The Constitution Day of the Republic of Abkhazia

The Constitution Day of the Republic of Abkhazia
26 November 2017 1253
The date of November 26, 1994 became an important milestone in the recent history of Abkhazia. The fundamental law adopted on this day allowed a period that was difficult for our Republic to preserve state foundations, strengthen independence and sovereignty and create the necessary conditions for the country's full development. Constitutional norms are firmly established in the state building and social life of Abkhazia.

The Basic Law of Abkhazia reflected the full extent of the socio-economic and political changes that were taking place at that time became a document that played a decisive role in the formation of the legal system of the state. The constructive relations and effective interaction of all branches and levels of power were built on the basis of the Constitution and the guarantees were created for the free expression of the will of people.

The Constitution at all times has been the embodiment of developed statehood, citizenship and democratic traditions. It affirmed the rights and freedoms of everyone, equality, regardless of nationality, origin, religion, absorbed all the experience and achievements of the people of Abkhazia, accumulated for their rich history and determined the strategy for further forward movement.

The need of continuous improvement of the mechanisms of public consent and the unification of all healthy forces of society in order to counteract any destructive phenomena is the most important historical task that the Constitution is called upon to decide.

Today, our country is an internationally recognized and sovereign state. That is why it is important to realize responsibility for our Motherland before the present and future generations, to cherish the values ​​proclaimed by the Constitution and to remember that the well-being of the country depends on the ability to find new solutions for creating a strong economy, modernizing democratic institutions and improving of the efficiency of government bodies.

Undoubtedly, further strengthening of the constitutional values ​​and norms will be a reliable guarantee of our future successes and achievements!

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