
26 March 2021 1844 Geneva discussions
52nd round of the International Geneva Discussions on Security and Stability in the Transcaucasus was held in Geneva on March 25-26, 2021, in which representatives of the Republic of Abkhazia, the Republic of South Ossetia, Georgia, the Russian Federation and the United States took part. The round was co-chaired by the UN, OSCE and the EU.
3 March 2021 1966 Geneva discussions
On 3 March, 2021 Irakli Tuzhba, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia, held a meeting with the Co-Chairmen of the Geneva International Discussions on Security and Stability in the Transcaucasia - with Toivo Klaar, the European Union Special Representative for the South Caucasus, Annika Söder, the Special Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office in the South Caucasus, and Azat Lachinyan, the Political Affairs Officer of the Office of the United Nations Representative to the Geneva Discussions. Lasha Avidzba, Arthur Gagulia and Madina Shamba, the Abkhaz Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials and Geneva Discussions participants also participated in the meeting.
16 December 2020 1315 Geneva discussions
On December 16, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia hosted a press conference on the results of the 51-st round of Geneva International Discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia which was held on December 11-12.
12 December 2020 1842 Geneva discussions
On December 10-11, 2020, the 51st round of the Geneva International Discussions on Security and Stability in the Transcaucasia was held in Geneva, in which representatives of the Republic of Abkhazia, the Republic of South Ossetia, Georgia, the Russian Federation and the United States took part. The round was co-chaired by the UN, OSCE and the EU.  The delegation of the Republic of Abkhazia was headed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Irakli Tuzhba.
6 December 2020 2044 Geneva discussions
During the December 4, 2020 OSCE Ministerial Council meeting, a Group of Friends of Georgia at the OSCE issued a joint statement.
25 November 2020 1015 Geneva discussions
Irakli Tuzhba, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia met with the Co-chairs of the International Geneva Discussions on Security and Stability in the Transcaucasia - Toivo Klaar, the EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus, Cihan Sultanoglu, the UN Representative and Rudolf Mikhalka, the OSCE Special Representative for the South Caucasus on November 25,2020.
17 September 2020 1579 Geneva discussions
On September 17, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia Iraklii Tuzhba held a meeting with the Co-Chairs of the International Geneva Discussions on Security and Stability in the Transcaucasia - EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Toivo Klaar, UN Representative Cihan Sultanoglu and OSCE Special Representative for the South Caucasus Rudolf Mikhalka.
23 April 2020 1169 Geneva discussions
Daur Kove, the Minister of Foreign Affairs held a video conference with the Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions on Security and Stability in Transcaucasia on April 22,2020.
12 December 2019 1861 Geneva discussions
On December 10-11, 2019, the 50th round of the Geneva International Discussions on Security and Stability in the Transcaucasus took place, in which representatives of the Republic of Abkhazia, the Republic of South Ossetia, Georgia, the Russian Federation and the United States co-chaired by the UN, OSCE and the EU.
9 October 2019 1308 Geneva discussions
The 49-th round of the Geneva International Discussions on Security and Stability in the Transcaucasus was held on October 8-9, 2019 in which took part the representatives of the Republic of Abkhazia, the Republic of South Ossetia, Georgia, the Russian Federation and the United States co-chaired the UN, OSCE and the EU.

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