
26 January 2021 1080 Statements and speeches
M. Kalyurand, head of the European Parliament delegation for relations with the South Caucasus, issued a statement calling on the Russian Federation to "fulfill its international obligations and withdraw its recognition of Abkhazia's independence. MEP's statement was made in connection with and in support of the recent decision of the European Court of Human Rights on the so called "Georgia vs. Russia" case related to the armed conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008.
22 January 2021 789 Embassy News
On January 22, 1993 the Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation between the Republic of Abkhazia and the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic was signed. This document laid the foundation for the establishment of interstate cooperation, laying the necessary foundation for the development and strengthening of bilateral cooperation between our countries.
18 January 2021 620 Statements and speeches
Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, speaking at the Paris School of Foreign Affairs conference, said that for him to question the right of a sovereign state to decide its own future is "almost a provocation."
18 January 2021 537 Notes
Daur Kove, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia sent a congratulatory note to Harry Kupalba on the 14th anniversary of the establishment of the Official Mission of the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic in the Republic of Abkhazia.
12 January 2021 762 Notes
Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister sent a telegram wishing a speedy recovery to Daur Kove, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia
30 December 2020 620 Notes
Daur Kove, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia and Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation congratulated each other on the coming of New Year and Christmas.
29 December 2020 2063
In 2020 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia carried out the active work on the development and implementation of the state policy of the Republic of Abkhazia in the sphere of international relations and coordination of foreign policy activities of the Republic of Abkhazia. Despite the current epidemiological situation due to the global pandemic of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued productive work on strengthening and development of friendly relations with States, which recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Abkhazia.
25 December 2020 1059 Statements and speeches
As it became known from the speech of Georgian Defense Minister I. Garibashvili at the parliamentary hearings, in 2021 the Georgian military department plans to purchase a batch of reconnaissance and combat unmanned aerial vehicles. He added that Georgia has recently signed an agreement with Israel to upgrade and completely modernize Georgia's air defense system.
23 December 2020 1065 Statements and speeches
Thea Akhvlediani, the Georgian Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality suggested "expanding the platform of informal dialogue and cooperation with the Abkhaz and Ossetian communities, which would be based on common interests." According to her, Georgia has not stopped this dialogue in order to improve the legal and humanitarian situation of the population, including in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. Such a process, she believes, will be continued and become even more intense.
16 December 2020 1379 Geneva discussions
On December 16, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia hosted a press conference on the results of the 51-st round of Geneva International Discussions on security and stability in Transcaucasia which was held on December 11-12.

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