
28 October 2017 1625 Statements and speeches
Currently, the theft of funds from the famous Soviet and Russian actor Vladimir Etush actively figured in the media. D. Bargandzhiya was arrested on the suspicion of committing of this crime.
27 October 2017 1266
Daur Kove, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia spoke at the VIII-th Abkhaz-Russian Business Forum.
24 October 2017 1468
Kan Taniya, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Abkhazia held the meeting with the members of the CYD of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, participants of the XIX-st World Youth and Students Festival that was held since October 14 to 22, 2017 in Sochi: Inar Ladaria, Victoria Malania, Temur Rekvava, Milana Abshilava, Astamur Bagatelia , Said Kvadzba and Madina Shamba.
24 October 2017 1280 Embassy News
Zaur Gwadzhava, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia at the invitation of the Papal Nuncio Aldo Giordano (Aldo Giordano) took part in a plenary meeting of the heads of diplomatic missions accredited in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which was held at the Vatican Embassy on October 23, 2017.
22 October 2017 1921
The recommendations on the establishment of the International Association of Young Diplomats were adopted at the World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi on 20 October.
20 October 2017 2176 Meetings of the Minister
The meeting between Daur Kove, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia with Nicolas Dupont-Enjanom, the Deputy of the National Assembly of France, leader of the party "Get up, France" hosted in the building of the National Assembly of France, Paris on 17 October, 2017.
20 October 2017 2109 Meetings of the Minister
On the meeting with Johannes van der Klaauw, the regional representative of the UNHCR UN in the South Caucasus. The meeting of Daur Kove, the Minister for the Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia with Johannes van der Klaaw, the regional representative of the UNHCR UN in the South Caucasus was held on 20 October.
20 October 2017 899
Raul Khajimba, the President of the Republic of Abkhazia met with the participants of the XIX-th World Youth Festival and Students from partner countries of the Republic of Abkhazia on October 19 in Sochi.
18 October 2017 877 Notes
Daur Kove congratulated Aleko Gvaramia on the 85-th anniversary of the Abkhaz State University
16 October 2017 1119
The opening ceremony of the I-st Global Forum of Young Diplomats was held in the framework of the XIX-th World Festival of Youth and Students on 16 October.

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