
30 September 2023 533 Notes
Mikhail Shurgalin sent a congratulatory address to Inal Ardzinba on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia 1992-1993.
29 September 2023 579 Meetings of the Minister
On September 29, 2023, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia, a meeting was held between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia, Inal Ardzinba, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia, Akhsar Dzhioev.
29 September 2023 532 Notes
Ivan Khil, The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela sent a congratulatory address to Inal Ardzinba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia 1992-1993.
20 September 2023 321 Notes
Inal Ardzinba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia sent a congratulatory note to Akhsar Dzhioev, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Republic of South Ossetia.
18 September 2023 464 Embassy News
On September 15, 2023, Zaur Gvadzhava, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, at the invitation of Scarlet Romero, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Honduras to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, took part in the ceremony on the occasion of the 202-nd anniversary of the independence of the Republic of H onduras.
18 September 2023 368 Embassy News
On September 15, 2023, Zaur Gvadzhava, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, at the invitation of Daisy Torres Bosques the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Nicaragua to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela took part in the ceremony on the occasion of the 202-nd anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Nicaragua.
18 September 2023 458 Notes
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia sent a congratulatory note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua on the occasion of Independence Day of the Republic of Nicaragua.
11 September 2023 365 Embassy News
Inar Ladaria, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Republic of Nicaragua took part in the ceremony dedicated to the 15th anniversary of recognition of the independence of the Republic of Abkhazia by the Republic of Nicaragua. 
10 September 2023 298 Embassy News
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Zaur Gvadzhava, at the invitation of the Embassy of the Republic of Barbados represented by the Embassies of the member countries of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Embassies of the African Union in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, took part in the ceremony on the occasion of the First Africa-CARICOM Day in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
10 September 2023 517 Embassy News
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia sent an address to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of Nicaragua.

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