Official farewell ceremony with Gennady Gagulia, Prime Minister

Official farewell ceremony with Gennady Gagulia, Prime Minister
12 September 2018 583
An official farewell ceremony was held with Gennady Gagulia, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Abkhazia, the second-degree Companion of the Order Akhdz-Apsha. in the House of Culture of Gudauta on September 12,2018.

Raul Khadzhimba, the President of the Republic of Abkhazia paid tribute to the memory of Gennady Gagulia at a mourning meeting.
Dear compatriots! Dear guests!

Our country has suffered a heavy loss! The tragic death of a prominent statesman Gennady Gagulia shocked not only the citizens of Abkhazia, but also many of our foreign friends!

Gennady Gagulia was a man of outstanding abilities, a major organizer, manager in the true sense of the word! It is difficult to overestimate its role in strengthening the defense capacity of our country during the Patriotic War of the people of Abkhazia. The weight of his contribution to the provision of our army with weapons, ammunition, food, medicine and other necessary means. And the successful fulfillment of the complex tasks set by the First President Vladislav Ardzinba, Gennady Gagulia sought not only for his business qualities, but also for his enormous personal ties in the near and far abroad. By nature, he was a modest man, never loudly talked about his personal merits. But people who stood at the sources of our great victory know about them.

Gennady Gagulia held a number of high posts. Having graduated from the construction faculty of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, he passed a worthwhile career from a construction worker to the Prime Minister of Abkhazia. In the Soviet era, he successfully led the Gudauta regional consumer co-operation, was chairman of the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations, then after the war, in the worst blockade period - deputy Prime Minister of the Republic, was the Prime Minister of the Republic three times, was an assistant to the State Duma deputy of the Russian Federation and headed the Administration of the President of Abkhazia.

Leading the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the republic for many years, Gennady Gagulia managed to raise its prestige significantly, create a young and energetic team that can influence the socio-economic situation in the country. Moreover, he was able to bring the Chamber's activities to the international level. Despite on the obstacles imposed by the Georgian politicians, the CCI managed to organize many exhibitions of achievements in the economy and culture of Abkhazia in many states. And this work, often carried out jointly with our foreign policy department, contributed to the international recognition of our state. He established reliable partnership relations with a number of Russian territorial chambers of commerce and industry, thereby strengthening our strategic and allied ties with a friendly state that recognized our independence.

Gennady Gagulia was awarded by the Order of Akhdz-Apsha of the second degree for his personal contribution to the strengthening of the statehood of Abkhazia, long-term fruitful work and high professionalism in 2016.
It's hard to accept that there is not a big friend, a like-minded person, a big statesman, whose thoughts, ideas and parting ways helped to overcome the difficulties of growth and development that accompany us.
Gennady Gagulia is a wonderful family man, a bearer of traditional Abkhazian values. I am sure that relatives and everyone who knew him will treat with great respect everything that he was able to realize, working tirelessly, for the benefit of the people and the state.

We will remember with great gratitude our kind mentor, a colleague who has made a huge contribution to the construction of the new Abkhazia!

Source: Official website of the President of the Republic of Abkhazia

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