Abkhazian Foreign Ministry comments on the visit of the President of Ukraine to the Abkhazian-Georgian state border

Abkhazian Foreign Ministry comments on the visit of the President of Ukraine to the Abkhazian-Georgian state border
20 July 2021 1219

On July 19, 2021, Volodimir Zelenskiy, the President of Ukraine held a working visit to Georgia during which he visited the Abkhazian-Georgian state border. According to the Ukrainian media, Zelensky "familiarized himself with the security situation on the border with the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia" and expressed concern that "Russia is building up its military presence in Abkhazia, violating human rights. Additionally, Zelenskiy stressed that Ukraine and Georgia are united in their intentions to return the temporarily occupied territories on the platforms of leading international and regional organizations.

One should hardly look for any logic or common sense in this initiative of Zelenskiy's team, unless one takes into account the Ukrainian leader's desire to demonstrate a contrived image of a "fighter against the occupiers to his voters ". Alternatively, has Zelensky seriously decided to share his recipes for settling and improving the security situation with the Georgian authorities?

The Russian military presence in the Republic of Abkhazia, which so alarmed Zelensky, is regulated by bilateral Abkhaz-Russian agreements, does not contradict international law and does not affect the territory of Georgia, not to mention Ukraine. What the Ukrainian president had in mind when he referred to human rights abuses will apparently remain a mystery.

Zelensky's openly provocative policy towards the Donbas republics, which was particularly evident this spring when Kiev made a deliberate attempt to provoke military action in the south-east, clearly demonstrated the approaches Zelensky's team takes to conflict resolution. Do we need to explain that attempts to use such tactics in the situation with the Republic of Abkhazia are completely unacceptable and will be harshly opposed?

Ukraine's leaders, like their Georgian colleagues, should remember that betting on confrontation has no chance of success. Attempts to revise the agreements reached and to block agreed solutions are also without prospect. Without a rejection of revanchism and an acknowledgement of existing political realities, it is impossible to launch a full-scale settlement process. All other political maneuvers, however well-meaning they may be, are no more than attempts to avoid a solution.


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