Адәныҟаполитикатә усура ахҳәаа

11 June 2019 4486
Die Republik Abchasien erklärte im Jahr 1993 ihre Unabhängigkeit. Seitdem wird sie nur von einer Handvoll Staaten anerkannt, darunter Russland. Westliche Regierungen werfen Russland deshalb vor, Georgiens territoriale Integrität dauerhaft zu verletzen.
31 October 2018 6484
El pasado jueves 18 de octubre de 2018, en los salones del Hotel Gran Meliá Caracas, el Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario de la República de Abjasia Zaur Gvadzhava y su señora esposa, ofrecieron una elegante recepción con motivo del 25º Aniversario del Día de la Victoria, el 10º Aniversario del Reconocimiento de Abjasia por parte de la Federación de Rusia, y el Día de las Fuerzas Armadas de la República de Abjasia.
4 October 2018 8156
Корреспондент журнала «Шпигель» Уве Клуссманн, побывавший в Абхазии, называет эту маленькую республику протекторатом России.
5 June 2018 5106
Abkhazian Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured that the Republic is establishing contacts with all states ready for dialogue based on principles of equality, emphasizing on the importance of mutually beneficial relations with Middle East and Africa: "We are ready for practical cooperation in spheres of economy, culture, etc. with all states. When it comes to Middle-eastern and African states, Abkhazia, with its natural resources for the development of the agrarian and tourism sectors, has a lot to suggest ..”
22 December 2017 6280
Most of the streets of Sukhumi, capital of the Georgian-claimed secessionist region of Abkhazia, are named after Soviet-era luminaries and notable figures from the conflict that gave the territory de facto independence. But stroll for long enough around the picturesque Black Sea city and an unusual road sign comes into view: Scotland Street.
22 December 2017 5670
Sukhumi, Abkhazia - Omar Shakouj remembers the day his family arrived in Abkhazia, a Georgian-claimed breakaway territory on the Black Sea, as they fled the war in Syria.
22 December 2017 5290
Abkhazians will commemorate Victory Day on September 30, marking the day in 1993 that the last remaining Georgian troops fled across the Enguri River, and Abkhazia began its life as a quasi-independent state.
29 August 2017 4992
Президент Арцаха (Нагорно-Карабахской Республики) Бако Саакян принял министра иностранных дел Республики Абхазия Даура Кове.
28 August 2017 4575
The Foreign Minister of Abkhazia, Daur Kove, arrived in Artsakh Monday and met with government officials.
21 August 2017 5067
It's a state that most of the world says doesn't exist. But remote Abkhazia, on the far north-east shore of the Black Sea, has had the trappings of independence for a generation, since it broke away from Georgia in a short but brutal war.

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