
27 September 2024 8
On September 27, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia hosted a meeting between Odyssey Bigvava, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia and scientist, member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Abkhazia, co-author of the book "Abkhazia. Legal Foundations of Statehood and Sovereignty" Alexander Neproshin. During the meeting, Odyssey Bigvava awarded Alexander Neproshin with the jubilee medal "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia is 30".
27 September 2024 8
On September 27, 2027 we mark the 31-st anniversary of the liberation of Sukhum from the troops of the State Council of Georgia. The operation to liberate the capital of the Republic of Abkhazia lasted 12 days. It was led by Sultan Sosnaliev, the Minister of Defense, Major General and Sergei Dbar, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Abkhazia, Major General.
25 September 2024 240 Embassy News
On September 24, 2024, Muhammad Ali, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Syrian Arab Republic took part in a reception on the 94-th National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
24 September 2024 172
On September 24, a meeting took place between Sergey Shamba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vadim Mironenko, the head of the United Headquarters for Assistance to Donbass at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia.
23 September 2024 81 Embassy News
On September 20, 2024, Zaur Gvadzhava, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the invitation of Alfredo José Ruiz Angulo,the Ombudsman of Venezuela took part in a ceremony on the occasion of the International Day of Peace.
20 September 2024 51 Notes
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia sent a congratulatory note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Ossetia on the occasion of the state holiday - Day of the Republic of South Ossetia.
20 September 2024 98 Statements and speeches
Speech by Sergey Shamba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia on the topic: "External factors of national security of Abkhazia" at the round table "Abkhazia in search of prospects for safe and stable development", organized by the Center for Social and Economic Research, September 19, 2024.
19 September 2024 114 Notes
Relations between Abkhazia and South Ossetia are, first and foremost, relations between fraternal peoples who had to defend their right to freedom and independence in a criminal war unleashed by Georgia. Despite the attempts of the Georgian aggressor to break the peoples of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, they survived this difficult struggle at the cost of enormous human sacrifices.
19 September 2024 99 Embassy News
Inar Ladaria, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Republic of Nicaragua attended a festive concert and reception dedicated to the 214th anniversary of Mexico's Independence Day at the invitation of the Embassy of the United Mexican States in the Republic of Nicaragua.
18 September 2024 8 Embassy News
On September 16, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Zaur Gvadzhava, at the invitation of the Embassy of Malaysia in Venezuela, took part in the ceremony in honor of the 67th anniversary of the Independence Day of Malaysia and the 61st anniversary of the Malaysia Day.

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