Message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia

Message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia
29 January 2025 768

We have drawn attention to the publication on the website of the Into the Open Music Festival "Rituals" (Berlin) of information about the so-called "State Drama Theater of Sukhumi" and its performance within the framework of the festival.

We emphasize that this theater has no relation to the Republic of Abkhazia. We draw attention to the fact that Georgia's attempts to use culture to introduce into the consciousness of representatives of the international community the postulates of the so-called: occupation of the region by the Russian army, the expulsion of about 400,000 Georgians from Abkhazia and others - have nothing to do with the existing reality.

Falsification of history is nothing new for Georgian propaganda.

The Georgian side is trying to erase from memory the fact of armed aggression against Abkhazia in 1992-1993, using, among other things, propaganda in the cultural sphere, falsifying history. Representatives of Georgia have ample opportunities to voice their point of view, speaking at various international forums, including the UN.

At the same time, creative groups from the Republic of Abkhazia are limited in their ability to perform abroad, including due to the visa policy of the countries of the so-called collective West and the deliberate isolation of Abkhaz artists from international formats of various levels and directions, at the initiative of the Georgian side.

In this regard, we appeal to the organizers of the music festival "Into the Open (ITO)" (Berlin) not to assist in the dissemination of false information and the use of culture as a tool to satisfy political ambitions.


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