Commentary of the MFA of the Republic of Abkhazia

Commentary of the MFA of the Republic of Abkhazia
30 October 2017 1088
On October 27, 2017 during a government meeting, Georgy Kvirikashvili, the Georgian Prime Minister stated that the Georgian government intends to develop a special state program to protect and develop the Abkhaz language.

As it is known, in 2007 at the congress of the representatives of the Abkhaz Diaspora in Antwerp it was decided to consider October 27 as the Day of the Abkhaz language which is celebrated in all countries where the Abkhaz Diaspora lives.

It is characteristic that on October 27 the Prime Minister of Georgia worried about the problem of preserving the Abkhaz language and announced the elaboration of an appropriate state program.

It is well known that the policy of the Georgian authorities towards Abkhazia and its people is characterized by populism and hypocrisy. On the one hand, the Georgian authorities are making significant efforts to internationally isolate Abkhazia and its citizens and on the other hand are trying to demonstrate their interest in preserving the Abkhaz language and culture.

In this regard, we would like to remind the Prime Minister of Georgia who suddenly became concerned with the problems of preserving the Abkhaz language, that on October 22, 1992, Georgian armed units burned the buildings of the Abkhaz Institute of Language, Literature and History and the State Archives of Abkhazia in occupied Sukhum.

As a result of this act of vandalism the unique documents and materials on the history and culture of Abkhazia were destroyed. These facts once again show that over the years all the efforts of the Georgian political elite have been aimed at total destruction and genocide of the Abkhazian people in the extermination of its historical memory and cultural identity.

Against this backdrop the attempts by the present leadership of Georgia to create the appearance of concern for the culture and traditions of the Abkhaz people with respect to which Georgia committed an act of armed aggression and tried to completely destroy are absolutely cynical.

We regard the statements of the Prime Minister of Georgia as another populist attempt to demonstrate Georgia's peace initiatives aimed at reconciliation with the Abkhaz people. Unfortunately, practice shows that the real policy of Georgia continues to remain aggressive and hostile towards the Republic of Abkhazia and its people.

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