The consent of the government to the accreditation of any person as a diplomatic representative under it.
• Agrément is requested by the heads of diplomatic missions (ambassadors), through the Foreign Office of the host country, by a senior member of the diplomatic mission.
• For the issuance of an agrément, an official written request is formed as a note verbale, to which a curriculum vitae of the candidate for the position of ambassador is attached.
• Once consent is obtained, the candidate becomes person a grata (desirable person) and his appointment is officially announced. Otherwise, he is called persona non grata (undesirable person) and the appointment does not take place.
• The host state is not obliged to report the motives for refusal of the agrément.
• The principles of international comity require that an answer to an agrement request be given as soon as possible, no longer than 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.