On the 20-th anniversary of the adoption of the Act on the State Independence of the Republic of Abkhazia

On the 20-th anniversary of the adoption of the Act on the State Independence of the Republic of Abkhazia
12 October 2019 1384

The Parliament of the Republic of Abkhazia adopted the Act on the State Independence of the Republic of Abkhazia on October 12, 1999 based on the results of the referendum of October 3 on the attitude to the current Constitution, which proclaimed Abkhazia as a sovereign, democratic, legal state, subject of international law.

The adoption of the State Independence Act was an important milestone in the history of state and constitutional development of the Republic of Abkhazia. This historical document, which became a significant milestone in the long-standing struggle of the people of Abkhazia for free self-determination, legally consolidated the sovereign state status of the Republic of Abkhazia. The adoption of the Act also directly affected the negotiation process - a point was put in discussing of the model of a “common state” of Abkhazia and Georgia.

On the path of independent development, the Republic of Abkhazia had to overcome the extremely difficult consequences of international isolation, exacerbated by Georgia’s numerous attempts to provoke another armed conflict. The Russian Federation recognized the independence of the Republic of Abkhazia in 2008 reflecting the aggression of Georgia in South Ossetia during the peace enforcement operation and relying on the free will of the Abkhaz people.

The Republic of Abkhazia was able to ensure the security of its territory, strengthen its position in foreign policy and emerge from a long period of international isolation by concluding a basic Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance with the Russian Federation as well as a number of other bilateral agreements. The other UN member states began to recognize the sovereignty of the Republic of Abkhazia after 2008.

Raul Khadzhimba and Vladimir Putin, the Presidents of Abkhazia and Russia signed the Treaty of Alliance and Strategic Partnership in 2014 which opened up the new opportunities for further progressive socio-economic development of the Republic of Abkhazia qualitatively strengthened the state’s position in the field of defense and security as well as in foreign policy.

The Republic of Abkhazia is firmly following the course enshrined in the State Independence Act, developing of the relations with the Russian Federation and other countries with which Sukhum has established the diplomatic relations.

The foreign policy of the Republic of Abkhazia is fully consistent with the provisions reflected in the Act, demonstrates respect for the fundamental norms and principles of international law, shows willingness to build relations with other states on the basis of equality and mutual respect.


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