On September 3, 2024, Sergey Shamba, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia held a briefing for journalists at the Information Center of the President of the Republic of Abkhazia.
The main topic was the discussion of unconfirmed materials from the meeting of Dmitry Kozak, the Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and Aslan Bzhania, the President of the Republic of Abkhazia published in the information space.
Answering journalists' questions about whether the document was authentic, Sergey Shamba said: "We have not receiveything through our channels. We cannot determine that a document that has not arrived officially is authentic." He also noted that the issues raised there have been repeatedly voiced at various meetings: meetings of the President of Abkhazia in the Administration of Russia, the Vice President of Abkhazia, the Head of the Presidential Administration, the Speaker of the Parliament of Abkhazia and members of Parliament.
"These are all the questions that were raised there. The issue was that failure to fulfill our obligations could entail certain sanctions, which have already begun to be implemented since September 1 Social financing will be stopped, which concerns doctors, teachers, law enforcement agencies, etc."
Speaking about paragraph 3 of the document, namely the possibility of depriving some members of Parliament and representatives of opposition political forces of the Republic of Abkhazia of Russian citizenship, Sergey Shamba stated that deprivation of citizenship is the prerogative of the Russian side.
Sergey Shamba also noted that society and representatives of opposition forces are concerned about the issue of possible deprivation of citizenship, while they are not concerned about the sanctions that have already followed.
"This is what we should talk about and worry about. Where will this situation lead us, how to get out of it, and what situation will develop in Abkhazia if this confrontation continues? I think that our society should be concerned about these issues, first and foremost."
At the end of the meeting, Sergey Shamba emphasized: "It is obvious that a lot of discontent has accumulated among our allies lately. Relations have changed significantly. This is not what it was at the beginning. I remember when I was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, when Abkhazia was recognized and what the attitude was in Russian society. This is not the case today. We all tried to make this happen. Let us all try to somehow correct the situation," he said.