Commentary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia

Commentary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia
29 May 2017 964
On May 29 2017, at the session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Tbilisi, the draft declaration "On Supporting Euro-Atlantic Integration of Georgia" was adopted. The declaration refers to the "occupation of Georgian regions", "violations of human rights in the "occupied regions", contains an "appeal" to Russia with the call "to abolish the recognition of the occupied regions of Georgia as independent states and withdraw their armed forces from these territories," "facilitate access of international human rights observers in the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia", etc.

It is obvious that the set of propaganda cliches that are traditionally used by the Georgian authorities and their Western partners in the draft declaration of the NATO PA are not any different and only repeat what Tbilisi and various international organizations have repeatedly reproduced.

Instead of adopting similar non-binding declarations, parliamentarians of NATO member countries should be concerned with obtaining objective information about what is happening in the Republic of Abkhazia, and not using the misinformation that Georgian sources disseminate. With this approach, the representatives of the NATO PA would know that the Georgian SSR has long ceased to exist, that the Republic of Abkhazia has been independent since 1993 and recognized since 2008, which is under constant pressure from Georgia, which carries out full-scale international isolation of the republic and discrimination its citizens.

Mastering the rhetoric of the Georgian authorities, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly only demonstrates its own bias and unprofessionalism. Such propaganda attacks clearly do not contribute to productive dialogue and negate the efforts made by the participants in the Geneva international discussions.

The open encouragement of Georgia to integrate into the North Atlantic block will only spur the revanchist sentiment in Georgia, create excessive expectations and, thereby, lower the ability to adequately perceive current political realities.

As for the "admission" of international human rights observers to Abkhazia, it should be separately noted that in 2015-2016, a large-scale work was carried out in the Republic of Abkhazia by an authoritative specialist in the field of human rights. The results of the studies were outlined in a special report. In this regard, it is obvious that all the talks about the alleged "closeness" of Abkhazia are only about outright disinformation.

Taking into account the above, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia appeals to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly with an appeal to maintain objectivity when adopting such kind of documents. We also recommend that you refrain from using jaded stamps of official Georgian propaganda, and turn to alternative and objective sources of information.


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