Comments of the MFA of the Republic of Abkhazia

Comments of the MFA of the Republic of Abkhazia
30 July 2019 1192

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia drew attention to the statement of the Georgian Foreign Ministry that "international flights will not be operated to the Republic of Abkhazia."

The Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Abkhazia regards this statement as another attempt by the Georgian side to international isolation and interference in the internal affairs of the Republic.

It is quite obvious that in this case there is a substitution of concepts when the interstate relations of Abkhazia with other countries are presented to the international community as Russia's control over the "occupied territory".

In the context of this statement, it is important to pay attention not to the hackneyed propaganda clichés used by the Georgian side, but to the manic stubbornness of Georgian politicians towards solving problems that go beyond the borders of their own national territories, while completely ignoring the prevailing political realities in the region.

At the same time, one cannot but welcome the readiness of the Georgian leadership to recognize the current situation in the region, as evidenced by the reaction of the Georgian side to the resumption of Abkhazia’s air communication with the outside world.

Abkhazia, as a sovereign independent state, intends to continue to actively continue to establish contacts with the world community without regard to the openly destructive steps of its ill-wishers.

We draw attention to the fact that the actions of the Georgian side directly violate the right to freedom of movement enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and we urge the leadership of Georgia to stop the practice of targeted isolationist policies towards the Republic of Abkhazia.


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