The Foreign Minister of Abkhazia met with representatives of international organizations

The Foreign Minister of Abkhazia met with representatives of international organizations
29 July 2019 935

On July 29, Daur Kove, Foreign Minister met with representatives of international organizations working in the Republic of Abkhazia.

Opening the meeting, the Foreign Minister of Abkhazia drew the attention of the audience to a recent publication on the website of the Office of the State Minister of Georgia on Reconciliation and Civil Equality. In particular, they talked about the meeting of Ketevan Tsikhelashvili with representatives of international organizations, held on July 23, at which Ms. Tsikhelashvili said that projects implemented by international organizations in the territory of Abkhazia were implemented as part of the "Strategy for the Occupied Territories: Involvement through Cooperation" approved by the Government of Georgia in January 2010, and the new initiative of the Government of Georgia “Step to a Better Future”. Due to the inconsistency of this information with reality, certain adjustments were later made to the publication.

The Minister emphasized the fact that all programs implemented by international organizations on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia are carried out exclusively in accordance with the mandate of these organizations, and it is necessary to realize that the interpretation of this activity by any sources as relevant to the Georgian Engagement Strategy and the new program of the Government of Georgia “Step to a Better Future” not only is sheer disinformation, but it can also harm further cooperation. “Any such provocative attack can lead to extremely negative consequences,” stressed Daur Kove.

In turn, representatives of international organizations noted that the work carried out on the territory of Abkhazia is absolutely apolitical and based on the principles of neutrality and impartiality.

The parties expressed hope for continued fruitful cooperation in order to improve the living standards of people in Abkhazia, and the importance of long-term and trusting relations was emphasized.

Currently, nine international non-governmental organizations and specialized UN agencies are operating in the territory of Abkhazia: the Danish Refugee Council, the HALO TRUST-Hazardous Area Life-Support Organization, and the Anti-Hunger Movement ( Action Against Hunger), UN Women, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR-UNHCR), United Nations Development Program (UNDP-UNDP-United Nations Development Program), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF-UNICEF- United Nations Children's Fund), International Committee of the Red K Resta (International Committee of the Red Cross), World Vision International (WV).


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