The Plenipotentiary Representative of Abkhazia in Pridnestrovie took part in the meeting "Memory of the Heart" at the memorial of the Military Glory in Tiraspol

The Plenipotentiary Representative of Abkhazia in Pridnestrovie took part in the meeting "Memory of the Heart" at the memorial of the Military Glory in Tiraspol
1 August 2017 1321
The decision of the Pridnestrovian leadership to declare the 1st of August as the Day of Remembrance and Grief for the gone defenders of the PMR is dated 1994. Since then, annually on this day in the Republic events are held reminding of the cessation of bloodshed on the Pridnestrovian land.

Today, the Tiraspol residents and guests of the city gathered at the memorial of the Military Glory to honor the minute of silence in memory of the deceased defenders of Pridnestrovie and those who died of wounds in the struggle for the independence of Pridnestrovie.

The meeting was addressed by Vadim Krasnoselsky, the President of the PMR and Vladimir Buchka, the Chairman of the NGO "Republican Union of Advocates for Pridnestrovie".

Addressing the assembled citizens the Head of State expressed his condolences to widows and mothers - all who lost their relatives and friends during the military aggression of Moldova against the Pridnestrovian nation.

"What unites all the events that take place in history is the memory of those who did not survive those who defended and those who survived. The memory is needed so that this one will not be repeated in the future," said Vadim Krasnoselsky.

Also, Vadim Krasnoselsky reminded that as the result of the fighting more than 800 residents of the republic were killed, and stressed that "today we live in peace for 25 years, thanks to our defenders and thanks to Russian peacekeepers."

On behalf of the defenders of the republic, Vladimir Buchka, the chairman of the NGO "Republican Union of Advocates of Transdniestria" who wished the Pridnestrovian peaceful skies over his head and never forget the exploit of those who fell defending the country.

At the end of the meeting, the leadership of Pridnestrovia, A.Vataman, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Abkhazia in the PMR and V. Yankovsky, the Head of the RSO Official Representation in the PMR laid flowers to the Eternal Flame and the graves of the first victims of the undeclared war of 1992.

Source: The Representation of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic

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