The tourist exhibition "Mitt" was opened in Moscow

The tourist exhibition "Mitt" was opened in Moscow
13 March 2019 1086
Igor Akhba, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Abkhazia to the Russian Federation and Avtandil Gartskiya, the Minister of Tourism visited the pavilion "Abkhazia" of the international tourist exhibition Mitt opened at the Expo Center at Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment.

“It is not the first time when Abkhazia takes part in this prestigious international exhibition. But the number of Abkhaz travel agencies - participants of the exhibition increases every year. The interest of Mitt visitors to the pavilion of our country has noticeably increased this year. Participation in such events has a positive effect on the increase of the tourist flow to Abkhazia, creating of a positive image of the country, and also contributes to the establishment of business contacts,” said I.Ahba.

Incendiary Abkhaz dances performed by the Moscow children's ensemble “Amtcabz” under the direction of Lasha Marykhba attracted the attention of the guests of the exhibition and created a festive spring mood.

A. Gartskiya, the representatives of the tourism industry of Abkhazia met with their colleagues from the Russian regions and discussed plans for further cooperation during the exhibition.

The exhibition celebrates its anniversary - 25 years this year. The representatives of the tourist business from all regions of Russia and many countries of the world come to meet with partners at Mitt.

Source: The Embassy of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Russian Federation.

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