State symbols

National Emblem


The National Emblem of the Republic of Abkhazia is a shield vertically divided into two equal white and green parts. The outline of the Emblem and the subject image are golden. At the bottom of the Emblem there is an eight-pointed golden Abkhaz star.

At the top there are two eight-pointed golden stars symmetrically placed on the white and green backgrounds.

In the centre of the Emblem there is a figure of horseman riding a flying magic horse Arash and shooting an arrow towards the stars.

The plot of the Emblem is related to the with the Abkhaz Nart saga of the Abkhaz. The green color of the Emblem symbolizes youth and life, the white color represents spirituality. The big eight-pointed star is a solar symbol of revival. Small stars symbolize unity of the two cultural worlds – the East and the West.


Флаг-Абхазии.gifThe ratio of length to height is 2:1. Seven alternating green and white stripes are placed along the length; four of them are green and the other three are white. The first upper stripe is green. Green and white stripes were an element in the flag of the Mountain Republic (1918) and Abkhazia was a part of it. The green color symbolizes life and the white color symbolizes the bright future of the country.

In the upper left corner near the flagstaff there is a bright red rectangle of 0, 38 length of the flag with the height equal to three stripes. In the centre of the red rectangle there is a white open palm in vertical position. Seven white five-pointed stars are placed in semicircle over the palm.

The open palm and seven stars on the red background have been adopted from the flag of the Abkhaz Kingdom (VII-X). The red color symbolizes military valor and the open palm represents peace, kindness and hospitality. The open white palm is also a symbol of the Abkhaz statehood which was established in the times of the Abkhaz Kingdom and is 12 centuries old.

Seven five-pointed stars represents seven historic regions of Abkhazia: Sadz (Jigetia), Bzyp, Guma, Abjiua, Samyrzakan, Dal-Tsabal, Pshu-Aibga. They cover the ethnic territory of the Abkhaz from river Khosta (border with the Ubykhs) to the river Ingur (border with the Mingrelians) and from the Black Sea to the Caucasus Mountains.

National Anthem

Aiaaira (Victory in the Abkhaz language) is a National Anthem of the Republic of Abkhazia.

After Abkhazia declared its independence in 1992 the National Anthem was approved. During the presidency of S. Bagapsh the law “On the National Anthem of the Republic of Abkhazia” was adopted at the third reading on October 24, 2007. The beginning of the tune and the words of the Abkhaz revolutionary and liberation song “Kiaraz” dating back to the times of occupation of Abkhazia by the forces of the Georgian Democratic Republic laid the groundwork for the Abkhaz Anthem.

Шәнеибац, шәнеибац, 
Аҧсуаа рыҷкәынцәа. 
Аҧсны азыҳәан 
Ашьа казҭәаз, 
Аҧсуаа рыҷкәынцәа. 
Ашьа казҭәаз, 
Аҧсуаа рыҷкәынцәа. 
О-ҳо-ҳо-о ҳо-о-Рада 
О-ҳо-ҳо-о ҳо-о-Рада-Ра! 
Ажәҩан мрадоуп, еҵәадоуп 
Уара уда Аҧсынра! 
Еҵәa-бырлаш Аҧсынтәла, 
Улҧха згәаҵақәа ирҭыҧхо, 
Геи-шьхеи рыҧшӡара заҧшнылаз. 
Жәлар ламысла иҳаракоит. 
Рада, Реида, Рарира 
Рада, Рерама, Рерашьа. 
Нарҭаа риирa-зиироу 
Афырхацәа Ран-Гуашьа 
Аҧсынтәыла-иҧшьоч атәыла 
Зхы здиныҳәалаз Анцәа 
Зқьышықәасала имҩасхьо гылоуп 
Рыжәаҩа еибырҭоит уҧацәа. 
Шәнеибац Аҧсныжәлар! 
Аишьцәа, шәнеибац! 
Нхыҵ-аахыҵ ҳаицуп! 
Ҳазшаз илаҧш 
Ҳхыуп иаҳхымәо 
Ҧеҧш лаша ҳзышуп! 
Шәнеибац, Аҧсныжәлар, 
Игылеит ҳамра, 
Иақәым ҭашәара! 
Шьардаамҭа, Аҧсынра.


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