Today is the 27th anniversary of one of the most tragic dates in the history of the Abkhaz people

Today is the 27th anniversary of one of the most tragic dates in the history of the Abkhaz people
14 December 2019 974
On this day, 27 years ago, a helicopter was shot down by Georgian fascists over the village of Lata during a humanitarian flight from the besieged city of Tkuarchal. In this helicopter, innocent civilians, children, pregnant women, elderly people were looking for salvation from the horrors of war. More than eighty people, including 35 children and 8 pregnant women were victims of this monstrous crime.

The world community has witnessed the atrocious and inhuman inherently cruel act committed by the Georgian aggressor. Such war crimes that go beyond the boundaries of morality and logic cannot have any excuses and have no statute of limitations. After 27 years, this crime did not receive condemnation from the international community, nor were the punishments for the deed committed and the killers responsible for the lives of civilians, young children and the elderly.

For many years, the Republic of Abkhazia has strongly insisted on the need to give an assessment to similar, no doubt, atrocious acts, which have not been done so far.

On the anniversary of the Latvian tragedy, we honor the memory and mourn on the innocent victims.

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