Commentary of the MFA of the Republic of Abkhazia

Commentary of the MFA of the Republic of Abkhazia
21 February 2018 1244
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia drew attention to the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Mikhail Dzhanelidze, in which he noted the desire of the official authorities of Georgia to pursue a more active policy of reconciliation with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. According to the Minister, the official structures of Georgia are already working on a package of proposals on these issues.

In this regard, we would like to recall that for many years the efforts of the Abkhaz side have been aimed at finding mutually acceptable compromises that can reduce the intensity of tension between the parties to the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict and start a full and equal dialogue.

Over the past quarter century, representatives of various political forces in Georgia have made numerous statements about their desire to begin a process of peaceful settlement with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. However, in practice, the Georgian authorities continue to ignore the prevailing political and legal factors in the region and stubbornly refuse to sign an agreement on international security guarantees, a key document that can be a good basis for restoring a full-fledged dialogue between the parties.

We hope that the new Georgian authorities will draw the right conclusions and take real steps aimed at restoring confidence between the two countries, lost as a result of Georgia's permanent and aggressive policy towards Abkhazia and its people.

To implement the set of confidence-building measures, the Georgian authorities must first of all give up political, financial, economic and humanitarian pressure on our citizens and stop hopeless attempts to international isolation of our republic. This approach will allow us to speak about the sincere desire of the Georgian leadership to create real conditions for building trust between the parties.

We hope that the current representatives of the top leadership of Georgia will be able to show political will and begin a meaningful dialogue with the Abkhaz side to solve the numerous problems that have accumulated over the years.


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