Commentary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia

Commentary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia
13 July 2020 854

As you know, RPO "Aruaa" issued a statement in which it appealed to Aslan Bzhania, the acting President of the Republic of Abkhazia to provide of the additional explanations regarding his vision of further prospects for building relationships with Georgia.

We would like to remind that relations between our countries have been characterized by tough antagonism, periodically taking the form of open armed confrontation over the years. At present, the Republic of Abkhazia is deprived of any opportunities to defend its national interests in the international arena. We are not represented in major international organizations such as the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe and many others. The only active international format in which the representatives of the Republic of Abkhazia equally participate are the Geneva International Discussions on Security and Stability in the Transcaucasus. This platform was created on the initiative of the presidents of Russia and France with the mediation of such international organizations as the UN, EU and OSCE. At the same time, many public and political figures of Abkhazia are skeptical regarding this international format, referring to the fact that no significant progress has been observed in the framework of it. However, the main task of the Geneva Discussions on Security and Stability in Transcaucasia is to find compromise solutions for the subsequent signing of an agreement between the Republic of Abkhazia and the Republic of Georgia on international guarantees of non-use of force against each other.

Ensuring the safety of our citizens is task number 1 and we are acting in accordance with this postulate. It is unlikely that these common truths need to be proven domestically.

On the basis of the foregoing, we affirm that the signing with Georgia of an agreement excluding the resumption of hostilities is a priority task of the foreign policy of the Republic of Abkhazia at this historical stage, the execution of which will be guaranteed by the authoritative international organizations.

The President of the Republic of Abkhazia clearly reflected these theses during the press conferences that have taken place recently. In the future, the President also intends to firmly adhere to these principles in order to defend the interests of the Republic of Abkhazia at any international platforms.

We proceed from the fact that the Republic of Abkhazia is a sovereign independent state, the political status of which is enshrined in the Constitution and is not the subject to revision under any circumstances. At the same time, we adhere to the principle of openness and readiness to build of the full-fledged and equal relationships with all interested partners who share the similar approaches and show respect for the sovereignty of Abkhazia.


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