Comment by the Abkhaz Foreign Ministry in connection with military exercises, "NATO-Georgia 2016"

Comment by the Abkhaz Foreign Ministry in connection with military exercises, "NATO-Georgia 2016"
20 November 2016 777
On November 20 were completed the command and staff exercises "NATO-Georgia 2016". The exercises were held in the Joint training and assessment center in the Center of support to the exercises and military education "Krtsanisi". The exercise was attended by more than 250 military personnel from 13 countries.

Commenting on holding joint exercises with NATO, the Prime Minister of Georgia Giorgi Kvirikashvili said that such exercises "provide an opportunity to make a more important contribution to the strengthening of international security. Georgia-NATO cooperation is aimed at ensuring peace, development and stability in the region, which should serve the interests of all parties," - he said, noting that the exercises are not directed against anyone.

Given the long and very negative experience of interaction with Georgia, it is difficult to believe that such military activity in areas of unresolved Georgian-Abkhaz and Georgian-South Ossetian conflict could contribute to strengthening to international and regional security. On the contrary, the Abkhaz side has repeatedly been convinced that the statements of the Georgian leadership regarding the absence of any military-political threats from holding such joint exercises, cannot serve as a guarantee of security and stability in the region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia considers the holding of such joint exercises in Georgia-NATO format as a direct threat to its security. We have repeatedly seen that the military and political cooperation of Georgia with its Western partners is aimed exclusively at the implementation of revanchist intentions of the Georgian leadership.

The obvious evidence of the existence of revanchist sentiments in Georgia, regardless of which political force are at this stage in power, is the 2008 war, unleashed by Georgia with the connivance of its Western partners, who were in charge of the modernization and re-equipment of the Georgian army.

For the purpose of symmetric and adequate response to such developments in the region, the Abkhaz side intends to develop and strengthen its military and strategic partnership with the Russian Federation, which stands as the only reliable ally of the Republic of Abkhazia.

In addition, during the visit of the Co-chairs of the Geneva Discussions, the Abkhaz side intends to pay special attention to the intensification of NATO in Georgia, as well as to initiate a discussion on this issue at the forthcoming round of the Geneva discussions.


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