
16 September 2024 108 Statements and speeches
We took note of the recent statement by Bidzina Ivanishvili, Chairman of the ruling “Georgian Dream” party, that the Georgian authorities, after winning the parliamentary elections scheduled for October 26, will find the strength to apologize for the fact that the “national movement” in 2008 “enveloped Ossetian sisters and brothers in flames.”
2 September 2024 159 Statements and speeches
The sovereignty of Abkhazia has been recognized by five UN member states, as well as several republics with partially recognized or unrecognized status. Is the republic working on this issue with other members of the international community? Are there any contacts between the republic and the UN?
26 August 2024 247 Statements and speeches
Sixteen years ago, the leadership of the Russian Federation made a fateful decision regarding our country. A decision that was predetermined by the centuries-old struggle of the people of Abkhazia for freedom and independence. On August 26, 2008, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree recognizing the Republic of Abkhazia as a sovereign and independent state
9 August 2024 398 Statements and speeches
We are closely monitoring the situation that is developing in the Kursk Region of the Russian Federation due to the attack by armed formations of Ukraine on the border settlements of the region. Unfortunately, there are dead and wounded.
12 June 2024 285 Statements and speeches
We carefully read the statement of the general director of the restaurant chain “Tasty. And that’s it” Oleg Paroev in an interview with the RIA Novosti news agency, in which he allowed himself statements of a political nature, noting: “...Abkhazia in the international arena is considered a territory b elonging to Georgia...”.
5 June 2024 485 Statements and speeches
We drew attention to the next Resolution of the UN General Assembly - “The situation of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia and South Ossetia”, adopted on June 4, 2024, which recognizes the right of all internally displaced persons and refugees to return home.
27 May 2024 612 Statements and speeches
We drew attention to the statement of Irakli Kobakhidze, the Prime Minister of Georgia about the desire to return Abkhazia and South Ossetia to Georgia.
30 January 2024 330 Statements and speeches
Comment by the information project coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Milana Khashba:
29 January 2024 350 Statements and speeches
Comment by the Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia Martin Tarkil:

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